Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Myth Busted: Twinkies Do Get Moldy

Like everyone my age, I'd heard that Twinkies had a nearly infinite shelf life. Somehow these little bites of cake-heaven got the reputation of being so preservative filled that they would last for 100 years without going bad. (I'm not sure I'd want to bite a 100 year old food product even if it didn't sprout mold, but that's another blog for another day.)

Imagine my surprise when I opened my food stash at work and found the last Twinkie - the one I'd been saving for that 'special' moment when I get promoted to CEO - had mold spots! Not just tiny ones, but significantly black nasty ones. I knew you all wouldn't believe it so I brought it home and photographed it as proof that Twinkies get moldy.

I don't know exactly how old it was when I got it because it was purchased from the 'snack cabinet' and I think it was in the storage bin for about 6 to 8 weeks, but in no way was it in there for even one year, let alone 100.

So, let the myth be busted: Twinkies Do Get Moldy

Credits to Snopes.com for busting this before I did in their exposé.

Tip-O-The-Hat to the T.W.I.N.K.I.E.S. Project for their experiments in food science.

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