Thursday, June 19, 2008

Time Wasting Amusement: Monster Milktruck

Life is best when you've got some time to spend on whatever amuses you the most. Sometimes you find amusements in unexpected places from simple things. When I was a kid I spent a half of a sunny day watching some ants. Tireless and hardworking, they had a column running through the flowerbed and the stone walkway. At first it was just watching, but at the end there were also experiments. (No, I did not use the magnifying glass. Shame on you for thinking it.) I tried to interrupt the column by putting sticks across it but they quickly climbed over it. I tried to to divert them with some sugar water which gathered a lot of ants but also didn't stop the column from moving along.

Like with the ants, I recently ran across something relatively simple that ended up being very amusing and taking more of my time than I expected. Google Earth now has a browser plug-in and, to test and demonstrate their new work, they made a few simple applications. One is an oversized Milk Truck that can be driven across Google Earth. Simple. Amusing.
Monster Milktruck

Be sure to spend a few minutes driving off the peak of Whistler mountain. Don't forget you have a day job. Now you know what I've been doing instead of blogging.

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